Search found 21 matches: chrysis frivaldszkyi

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Re: Chrysis with partly green T1, N Apennines, Italy

Hi Anillus, I just responded to your answer to my more recent post. I had not even considered a male frivaldszkyi! I forgot how different they are from females. Strangely I have never seen a female at this location or the location of the more recent one.
by briang
21 Jun 2023 21:31
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis with partly green T1, N Apennines, Italy
Replies: 5
Views: 12486

Re: Distinctive chrysidid? N Apennines.

Thank you for your reply. I had forgotten that the male of frivaldszkyi is so different from the female! Indeed it seems rather similar to female subsinuata perhaps. I had not realised that my photos show a male! Thanks again.,
by briang
21 Jun 2023 15:36
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Distinctive chrysidid? N Apennines.
Replies: 2
Views: 3393

Re: Chrysis with partly green T1, N Apennines, Italy

Chrysis frivaldszkyi Mocsáry, 1882
by anillus
20 Jun 2023 16:37
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis with partly green T1, N Apennines, Italy
Replies: 5
Views: 12486

Re: Distinctive chrysidid? N Apennines.

Chrysis frivaldszkyi Mocsáry, 1882
by anillus
20 Jun 2023 16:11
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Distinctive chrysidid? N Apennines.
Replies: 2
Views: 3393

Re: (Edit) Chrysis frivaldszkyi male? N Appenines, Italy

Frank, thank you for commenting. I expect you are right. I am don’t know those species you name and will check them out. Of course I don’t know many species at all! Perhaps Paolo will also give an opinion.
by briang
11 Jun 2022 16:33
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: (Edit) Chrysis frivaldszkyi male? N Appenines, Italy
Replies: 3
Views: 4837

Re: (Edit) Chrysis frivaldszkyi male? N Appenines, Italy

I think impossible to tell 100% from this picture, it could also be Chrysis inaequalis, C. claricornis...
by Frank_Canon
10 Jun 2022 23:28
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: (Edit) Chrysis frivaldszkyi male? N Appenines, Italy
Replies: 3
Views: 4837

Re: Chrysis sp? N Appenines, Italy

Perhaps I was wrong that I have not seen this before? Is it in fact a male Chrysis frivaldszkyi? Paulo confirmed this ID for a very very similar chrysidid I posted here couple of years ago. I would be happy that I managed to remember this, but please confirm if possible!
by briang
09 Jun 2022 17:07
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: (Edit) Chrysis frivaldszkyi male? N Appenines, Italy
Replies: 3
Views: 4837

(Edit) Chrysis frivaldszkyi male? N Appenines, Italy

5 June 2022. Val d’Arda (PC). I have not seen this one before and I’d love to know what it is, if that is possible. I was looking for a couple of other species, which did not appear, perhaps because of the strong wind, but this just arrived and was still a second. Cannot see the tip of abdomen well ...
by briang
05 Jun 2022 19:32
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: (Edit) Chrysis frivaldszkyi male? N Appenines, Italy
Replies: 3
Views: 4837

Re: Another Chrysis, N Appenines, Italy

This is a male of Chrysis frivaldszkyi,


Hernaria is very attractive indeed.
by Euchroeus
29 Jun 2021 13:33
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Another Chrysis, N Appenines, Italy
Replies: 2
Views: 3605

Re: Chrysis gribodoi or close? N Italy

Dear Brian,

I would say female of Chrysis frivaldszkyi.

Basically you cannot separate this female from the female of Chrysis succincta.
However, males are very different and in this area only Chrysis frivaldszkyi is known and common.

You can proceed with the next question ;)
by Euchroeus
31 Aug 2020 22:28
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis gribodoi or close? N Italy
Replies: 2
Views: 6417

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