Search found 27 matches: chrysis grohmanni

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Re: Is this Chrysis grohmanni on our garden umbrella?

Hi Paolo, Thank you very much for your answer. I am quite glad I got a name right for a change! Thanks also for your nice comment on the photos - they were difficult because they kept in full sun. But it was great to know they would turn up every morning! :thanks:
by briang
29 Jun 2022 20:23
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Is this Chrysis grohmanni on our garden umbrella?
Replies: 2
Views: 4764

Re: Is this Chrysis grohmanni on our garden umbrella?

... male (the first, more green) and female of the same species 8-) It's Chrysis grohmanni krkiana and I believe that this taxon deserve the status of full, valid species. ...
by Euchroeus
29 Jun 2022 13:46
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Is this Chrysis grohmanni on our garden umbrella?
Replies: 2
Views: 4764

Is this Chrysis grohmanni on our garden umbrella?

... of the same species? Just looking at photos there seem resemblances to Chrysis bicolor and C. grohmanni, but perhaps the T3 teeth suggest grohmanni? Expert advice appreciated! (PS: the ...
by briang
28 Jun 2022 16:06
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Is this Chrysis grohmanni on our garden umbrella?
Replies: 2
Views: 4764

Re: Chrysis grohmanni krkiana?

Grazie mille Paolo e scusami se non ti ho risposto prima, non mi ero accorto del tuo messaggio...

by mbondini
20 Oct 2020 09:14
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis grohmanni krkiana?
Replies: 2
Views: 5652

Re: Chrysis grohmanni krkiana?

Ciao Marco,

si, hai ragione, è una specie che si riconosce facilmente.
Bellissime foto, complimenti :beer:
by Euchroeus
30 Aug 2020 21:43
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis grohmanni krkiana?
Replies: 2
Views: 5652

Chrysis grohmanni krkiana?

... questa specie, mi viene a trovare tutti gli anni. Dovrebbe essere una Chrysis grohmanni krkiana (metto il condizionale perchè non sono un esperto, anche se ci dovrebbero ...
by mbondini
01 Aug 2020 17:05
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis grohmanni krkiana?
Replies: 2
Views: 5652

Re: rainbow-colored chrysid from Pyrenees

Hi Jerome,

yes, correct, succincta group.
Its apical margin is not so strange, many other species have a similar T3 in this group (actually there's an entire subgroup with elongated teeth, from C. grohmanni to C. variana, etc.)
by Euchroeus
02 Jul 2019 22:40
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: rainbow-colored chrysid from Pyrenees
Replies: 4
Views: 5482

Re: Chrysis grohmanni bolivari - Kazakhstan

Fantastic, next species for my collection :ok:
by Equestris
11 Nov 2018 18:50
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis grohmanni bolivari - Kazakhstan
Replies: 3
Views: 5260

Re: Chrysis sp. 01

It's a male of Chrysis grohmanni bolivari Mercet

by the way, the correct name for this subspecies is
bolivari and not bolivieri as written in Linsenmaier's works

whereas the correct species name is neither grohmani nor grohmanny, but grohmanni.

by Euchroeus
10 Nov 2018 11:49
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis grohmanni bolivari - Kazakhstan
Replies: 3
Views: 5260

Chrysis grohmanni bolivari - Kazakhstan

Hi, I have some new photos for the determination.

My idea is Chrysis grohmani?

Kazachastan, Alma - Ata, Balkasch lake, 29.6..2018
by Equestris
28 Oct 2018 17:48
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis grohmanni bolivari - Kazakhstan
Replies: 3
Views: 5260

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