Sorry Mayke, it was late at night and I simply reply to the question in the title Yes, it is Chrysis indigotea. Trichrysis cyanea has only three teeth on the apical margin of the abdomen and Chrysisiris is much larger and darker.
... species I have observed. Can it been seen from these photos if it is Chrysis indigotea, Chrysisiris or Trichrysis cyanea? It concerns this observation: ...
... blue-green colour on the body (Trichrysis cyanea, Spinolia unicolor, Chrysis fasciata, indigotea & C. iris). 2 : Spinolia unicolor have no teeth on the last tergit + marginal cell is very opened, ...
Kimsey and Bohart key led me towards Chrysis wahlbergi group (small teeth at the base of the T III tergite and metathorax projection), but I'm not convinced ... Can anyone help? (Chrysisiris size)
... i was look on the place near my home in Sázava. And on the wall was Chrysisiris ( 6mm ) very very early. Is very interesting that last year and now is Ch.iris on the ...
Ch. iris is a new species in my cockoo wasp gallery ... ... It's always a pleasure to see them. 8-) Waiting for you next shot ... :beer: PS: Chrysis leach ii are you sure about Chrysura radians ID?
Thank you Paul and Paolo :beer: I´m happy Ch. iris is a new species in my cockoo wasp gallery ... didae-128/ Most of my pictures of cuckoo wasps are taken at studio, however some Hedychridium and Holopyga ...