Bonjour, Ce Chrysis de 8 mm observé à Barcillonnette, Le Villaret à 860 m (FR05, Hautes-Alpes) le 17/06/2019, me semble proche de Chrysismarginata. Qu'en pensez-vous ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide ! Brigitte
Bonjour, Ce Chrysis trouvé à Eygliers (FR05, Hautes-Alpes) le 20/08/2021 ressemble à Chrysis Taczanovskii mais comme il est très proche visuellement de Chrysismarginata , j'ai un doute ? J'ai noté les critères suivants qui pourraient correspondre à C. Taczanovskii ...
Hi forum, On May 25th 2018 I collected this Chrysis male in my garden in the south-east of the Netherlands. I looked at the ... teeth on the apical rim. Tergit 3 is quite long for C. analis. - Chrysismarginata should have more golden-greenish tergits? I don’t have any documentation ...
Thank you Paolo, sorry I forgot the location and the date: Val d’Arda (PC), N Apennines, 7 August 2020. I hope the particular site within Val d’Arda - a 100 metre stretch of mixed earth and rock banking alongside a high-level single track road - is as productive next year! Just by good luck I found ...
... appreciate confirmation or correction of this one. I thought it must be Chrysismarginata, based on strong resemblance to another individual from the same area identified ...