Search found 3 matches: chrysis obtusidens

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Re: Small Chrysis from southern France

... Actually this is not a easily identifiable specimen. I would exclude Chrysis obtusidens because its abdomen is flattened, seen in lateral view, the interval between the ...
by Euchroeus
23 Jun 2022 09:41
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Small Chrysis from southern France
Replies: 2
Views: 5835

Re: Small Chrysis from southern France

With the central part of mesoscutum darker than the sides, the ovipositor very stout, red coloration on second sternite and the elongated shape I believe it could be Chrysis obtusidens, but I don't know this species...
by Thibaultlp
22 Jun 2022 12:13
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Small Chrysis from southern France
Replies: 2
Views: 5835

Re: my highlights of the season

Hi Paul, For the species that you're not found, I think it is Chrysis varidens ? This species is common in mediterranean area, I was very ... prominea, subsinuata, semicincta, calimorpha, fulgida, splendidula, obtusidens, comta, pseudobrevitarsis, rutiliventris, mediadentata, schencki). ...
by jeromec
28 Oct 2019 21:44
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: my highlights of the season
Replies: 6
Views: 34202

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