... you became a real expert! All you ID are correct. 8-) I can only add: Hedychridium: - Hedychridium sp. ( femoratum ?) is H. jucundum (it has a ... not yellowish) - Hedychridium sp. (Spain) should be a male of H. incrassatum (with a swelling on apical margin of T3) - Chrysis succincta ...
... walls were habited by Megachilidae & Eumeninae especially. I found Hedychridiumincrassatum group (a red species with a carina along the margin of T III ?) on the edge of ...
... mating, very cool!), Chrysis pyrophana, C. mysticalis, C. semicincta, Hedychridiumincrassatum etc. Will have a lot of new species groups in my collection when i return home, ...
Superfantastic pictures!!! Really great! wow! Yes, your identification is correct and they are really interesting species, even if the Hedychridium is quite common in S Spain. By the way, in 2011 I collected (with permits) for a couple of weeks in the province of Granada, and I really would ...