Search found 3 matches: hedychridium parkanense

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Re: Hedychridium parkanense, Hungary

Dear Paolo,
I've forgotten to check this post, so I thank you now for the info! It seems then that this is probaply an eastern "steppicole" species.

Best regards,

by piros
14 Oct 2012 16:52
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Hedychridium parkanense, Hungary
Replies: 2
Views: 3864

Re: Hedychridium parkanense, Hungary

Hi Henrik! Super species 8-) It should be more distributed in central and Eastern Europe. I collected some specimens in central Ukraine (Kanev Reserve) and some other specimens are known from Austria. Other known records are only from the Carpathian Basin (Slovakia, Hungary). It is a small species, ...
by Euchroeus
30 Sep 2012 11:30
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Hedychridium parkanense, Hungary
Replies: 2
Views: 3864

Hedychridium parkanense, Hungary

Hi Forum! I found this wasp in Szeged, Hungary on Achillea millefolium inflorescense. Date: 28. 06. 2012. I don't really have a problem with its ID, I think it can not easily be misidentified :) , just thought it is such an unusual-looking Chrysidae you might like to see it. I have, however, a coupl...
by piros
15 Sep 2012 22:28
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Hedychridium parkanense, Hungary
Replies: 2
Views: 3864

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