Search found 3 matches: hedychridium purpurascens

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Re: Chrysis 3


Chrysura laevigata purpurascens (Mocsary)

Tipica nordafricana.

by Euchroeus
17 Aug 2015 14:38
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysura laevigata purpurascens (Mocsary) - Marocco
Replies: 2
Views: 3724

Chrysura laevigata purpurascens (Mocsary) - Marocco

Marocco, Tazzeka 28.VI.2015 leg. D. Sechi
lunghezza circa 6,5 mm

by Daniele Sechi
17 Aug 2015 14:18
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysura laevigata purpurascens (Mocsary) - Marocco
Replies: 2
Views: 3724

The origin of the chrysidid names

... [RUS, nn.] = soul) [f.] Hedychreides (derivated from Hedychrum ) [m.] Hedychridium (derivated from Hedychrum ). Comment: we are sure that Abeille ... punctuation on the thorax. cupreum (from cupreum [LAT, adj.] = coppery) purpurascens (from purpurascere [LAT, pres. part.] = painted with purple) ...
by Euchroeus
27 Mar 2014 17:24
Forum: Miscellanea
Topic: The origin of the chrysidid names
Replies: 0
Views: 52143

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