:welcome: Milo, this is Omalus biaccinctus . As you wrote, it's the only one in Central Europe with this colour pattern. Omalusaeneus and O. puncticollis are green to blue, sometimes even violet, however never bicoloured as your ...
This Omalus sp. was found scurrying around a group of aphids in the Netherlands. It was about 4-5 ... if O. producticollis is considered a valid species) species in the Netherlands: O. aeneus and O. biaccinctus. I was leaning towards O. aeneus because the pronotum and mesoscutum ...
... le larve nel nido dell'ospite finale. 2- la specie del Criside è un Omalusaeneus 3- il bruco sembra uno spettatore occasionale ;-) Sei sicuro che fosse su un Epilobium? ...
But for me the green chrysidid is Omalus sp (cf. aeneus) : no punctures (or very small) on the mesoscutum + habitus. (Hedychrum have a broad abdomen, not as thick and convex as here, but I never viewed H. chalybaeum).
... is it can be one of Pseudomalus violaceus or Hedychrum chalybaeum or Omalusaeneus (or perhaps something else). I do not know yet how to attach an uploaded photo to this ...
... one of the following Pseudomalus violaceus or Hedychrum chalybaeum or Omalusaeneus (or perhaps something else). More pictures of this specific insect can be found on my ...