Search found 2 matches: praestochrysis megerlei

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Re: Hedychridium sp.- Italia

... tempo fa. In questo periodo, dalle tue parti, sono sicuro che vola la Praestochrysis megerlei (Dahlbom), che è stata recentemente raccolta da alcuni amici tra la Toscana e l'Emilia, ...
by Euchroeus
26 Sep 2011 22:43
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Hedychridium Krajniki Balthasar - Italia
Replies: 1
Views: 4506

Re: preparation...

... in September/October. Some others fly only in September. For exemple Praestochrysis megerlei flies only at the end of August till the end of September; it is surely present in ...
by Euchroeus
22 Aug 2011 12:19
Forum: Miscellanea
Topic: preparation...
Replies: 9
Views: 39637

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