Search found 2 matches: chrysis exsulans

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Chrysis exsulans from Algeria to confirm

In a Kabylian village for a few weeks (750m alt) in May 2023 I observed this wasp on the hot sunny wall of the house at sunny hours. (Ighil ALi (Bejaia), ALgeria) I share it here in order to confirm the ID 'By Villu iNaturalist and because it seems to be rare For This observation from May 2023 13th ...
by Berzou
09 Jun 2023 19:01
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: Chrysis exsulans from Algeria to confirm
Replies: 0
Views: 5130

Re: collection box Chrysisi inaequalis group

... prepared and conserved. I only suggest: your specimen identified as Chrysis exsulans Dahlbom is actually Chrysis castigata Linsenmaier your specimen identified as Chrysis ...
by Euchroeus
10 Sep 2018 19:53
Forum: Pictures | Immagini
Topic: collection box Chrysisi inaequalis group
Replies: 4
Views: 6219

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