Alex is right, I agree on the identification of the first 2 specimens (C. ruddii), but I cannot add anything else on the remaining pictures ... only C. ignita group.
... to be parasitoids of Odynerus spinipes: Pseudospinolia neglecta, Chrysisruddii, Chrysis viridula, Chrysis mediata , and we also have some doubtfull data as those for ...
Beatiful pictures! The two first marked Croatia should be a Chrysisruddii female (long white pubescence, red/bronze on legs and mesosoma), but the lower ones I cannot help you with.
Hi! No, this is not C. ruddii . Hairiness is not vey conclusive character for recognizing C. ruddii , red coloration of the legs on ventral side, very dense punctation on metathorax and wide pronotum are more solid characters. However ...
it belongs to the Chrysis ignita group, but it is not ruddii, even if it has very long hairs. At the moment I don't have time to check for a better ID, I'll see in the next days Thanks Paolo