... contributed with publications on Chrysididae and cited the web-site www.chrysis.net In the last years more than 60 authors published more than 45 ... E. & Bleidorn C. (2010) Ein neuer Nachweis der Goldwespe Chrysisleachii Shuckard, 1837 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) in Thüringen mit Anmerkungen ...
... scutellum is a problem for me : I have a specimen with these reflects). Chrysis bicolor/illigeri I think (I have difficulties for separate these 2 species). Chrysis group leachii-succincta for the last (without a view of the cavity, I can not say anything ...
'Nabend Horst, Dank Dir für die Info! Wohl dem, der ein Hotel, wo solche Tiere wie C. leachii vorbeischauen, sein Eigen nennen kann... Liebe Grüsse Paul