Omalus sculpticollis as the main enemy of P. fuscipennis

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Omalus sculpticollis as the main enemy of P. fuscipennis

Postby Euchroeus » 14 Mar 2014 16:34

Hi friends,

I want to share with you this very very interesting paper by Kate Martinova and Alex Fateryga. The title is:

Omalus sculpticollis as the main enemy of Psenulus fuscipennis (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Crabronidae) in the Crimea, Ukraine. Vestnik zoologii, 48(1): 11–26, DOI: 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0002

It's one of the best recent publication on the biology of Chrysididae and it includes very interesting observations on the behavior of the larva of Omalus sculpticollis (on our web-site as Philoctetes sculpticollis). Interesting data are also presented for the emerging of the adults, and they proved that fuscipennis has a facultative generation.

The authors give a detail diagnosis and in the conclusions they forge a new name to describe the behaviour of the larva of sculpticollis: reptoparasite.

You can download it here: ... ssue-1.xml

or directly from our web-site.

Good reading,
Martynova, Fateryga 2014 Omalus sculpticollis as the main enemy of Psenulus fuscipennis....pdf
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Re: Omalus sculpticollis as the main enemy of P. fuscipennis

Postby Alex » 27 Mar 2014 13:00

Interesting read, perhaps nothing really unexpected but very good to have data like this. Well done of them to do such a thorough study!

The references from eastern Europe are also very valuable, must admit I'm largely unaware of it.
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