Dear Forum,
I know, this topic is about nomenclature and not systematics ... thus it's boring!
Today I received an other article with a bad spelling of the name Hedychrum niemelai Linsenmaier, 1959. In the last years (starting from the beginning of the XXI Century) many Authors used and still use the bad spelling:
instead the correct name is niemelai.
The reason why it's very simple and is written in the Code of Zoological Nomenclature Art. In the case of a diacritic or other mark, the mark concerned is deleted, except that in a name published before 1985 and based upon a German word, the umlaut sign is deleted from a vowel and the letter "e" is to be inserted after that vowel (if there is any doubt that the name is based upon a German word, it is to be so treated).
P. Niemelä (as written in the original description) is a Finnish entomologist and not a German one. Thus in the correct name of the species the mark concerned must be deleted: niemelai.
Please pass the word.