Thanks again for your ID Paolo!
I was a bit confused by this next specimen, it didnt fit in correctly with Chrysis pyrophana Dahlbom, 1854 which I thought it was at first. When comparing the male (not pictured yet) genital capsula with that of C. pyrophana in Linsenmaier 1959 (fig. 355) it seemed too slender for this species. The figure 354 looked much better, and when checking the description of the corresponding species, C. peninsularis Buysson, 1887 the other characters fit much better! The female has two central teeth on T3, and the males (although seemingly very variable, some small specimens [if its the same species that is] completely lack teeth!) are more or less clearly 4 toothed, which does not really fit in with Linsenmaiers description:
"- Anal-Rand einfach (beim ♀ ev. in der Mitte mehr oder weniger zweilappig).."
Also the male's antennae are not obviously thick, but I dont know what Linsenmaier compares it too in his description.
They where quite abundant, so I collected a proper series of them, will have to mount and compare them properly some day! The male will be up next, when I have time.
Shots of the female head and T3 to come!