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N. Apennines: identification possible?

20 Jul 2019 21:39
by briang
Hello again. Another chrysidid from near Teruzzi (PC, Emilia Romagna) on the lower slope of Monte Menegosa, c 1000m. I think this is a 3rd species (notes on occurrence in previous post). Although it has some similarity in colours to Chrysis germari, the colours on T1 are different and it has blue in several places, eg. the tip of the abdomen (or perhaps it is just the opposite sex?). As with the other chrysidids it was present for just a few seconds, climbing fast over the plant and flying to the next. I think the plant might be a Euphorbia. Advice on possible identification would be much appreciated! Thank you.
Re: N. Apennines: identification possible?

20 Jul 2019 21:52
by jeromec
It is a Chrysis succincta-leachi group, as germari.
But for me it is Chrysis leachi (small blue band on the pronotum & T I, blue head).
But I prefer if P. Rosa confirm this ID ^^
Re: N. Apennines: identification possible?

21 Jul 2019 09:03
by briang
Jerome, - so quick a reply - thank you very much again! It is good to know the features you considered. So the same species group, and possibly C. leachi. We'll see if P. Rosa gives an opinion!
Re: N. Apennines: identification possible?

21 Jul 2019 21:46
by Euchroeus
Hi Brian and Jerome, you're both right!
The colouration of this specimen is very similar to that of
Chrysis germari, yet it belongs to another species group, the
leachii group, but you cannot see the diagnostic characters from these pictures.
It's a female of
Chrysis leachii.
Beautiful pictures

Re: N. Apennines: identification possible?

21 Jul 2019 23:09
by briang
Paolo and Jerome, thanks so much to both for ID help. I have not seen many different chrysidids but this species is certainly the most beautiful one yet, and so surprising because the colours cannot be seen without a photo or the wasp in hand! I appreciate your nice comment on the photos - I only had to delete about 250 to get these 5 good ones
Re: N. Apennines: identification possible?

22 Jul 2019 01:13
by jeromec
I never found C. leachi in natura, but this species is present in south of France (I have 1 specimen from Marseille). However C. cortii is commoner (in wall in east of France, and souchwest), in south and maybe in the rest of France (Dordogne, Aude, Franche-Comté).
May be C. leachi has a more oriental distribution than C. cortii.