Chrysidid morphology

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Chrysidid morphology

Postby Alex » 09 Feb 2013 19:09

I usually get a headache when trying to figure out the terms and locations of the mesopleuron (and other ventral characters) in Chrysididae. So I thought I would take some pictures as help and ask here and see if I'm right or wrong.
I made two versions, A and B, as I was not sure on where some of the sculpturation start and end.

I hope I got it somewhat correct...

Will probably add more to this, as there are other terms I am confused by as well.
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Name: Alexander Berg

Re: Chrysidid morphology

Postby Alex » 14 Feb 2013 23:27

Another thing that has been confusing me is the mesopleural sculpture Linsenmaier refers to when keying Elampus sp. in his publications.
I dont know if this is a good or a bad character (seeing as he confused E. panzeri and C. constrictus), but the fact that I cant even find it is a bit troubling... as Linsenmaier's drawings is so reduced I cant see what the lines represent, or if the caudal direction is left or right in his line drawings (667, 668) in Linsenmaier 1959. Same goes for the drawings in "Die Goldwespen der Schweiz"

Is this the correct interpretation?
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