Kimsey & Bohart 1990 or 1991?

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Kimsey & Bohart 1990 or 1991?

Postby Alex » 14 Mar 2013 21:35

I see that both 1990 and 1991are used for the "Chrysidid wasps of the world" by Kimsey & Bohart, I assume the latter is correct, as its used in new articles by Kimsey for example, or is this something that changes dependent on what citation style the journal uses?

I have noted this for quite some time, but not really had any reason to dig deeper into it - untill now. I'm currently working on my thesis and so I need to be "correct"

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Name: Alexander Berg

Re: Kimsey & Bohart 1990 or 1991?

Postby Euchroeus » 18 Mar 2013 01:10

Hi Alex,

just few lines to tell you that Oliver Niehuis somewhere wrote that the year of distribution of the volume is 1991.
The volume was printed in December 1990, but distributed and available from 1991.
Kimsey confirmed this. That's why i begun to write Kimsey & Bohart [1991 (1990)].

It's written in one of the last papers by Niehuis published on Bembix, if I remember well.

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Re: Kimsey & Bohart 1990 or 1991?

Postby Alex » 18 Mar 2013 02:56

Great to know, clears that up :) Guess it depends on what citation system you use if it shows up as 1990 or 1991.

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