Chrysidid in a forest of North (France) & Chrysis immaculata

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Chrysidid in a forest of North (France) & Chrysis immaculata

Postby jeromec » 17 Jul 2020 13:27


Here a new paper on a very nice chrysidids in a forest on the north of France : Chrysis immaculata :wohow: with a list of species on a survey in Malaise trap of the forest.

Summary : the utilisation of Malaise traps in forest at Locquignol (Nord, France) for a Syrphidae monitoring allowed to capture 12 species of Chrysididae, including Chrysis immaculata. It is apparently the third French locality knows. The Malaise traps caught also this specific host : Allodynerus rossii. This cath for this latter and rare species is the first regional contemporary data.

Others species found in the traps : Pseudomalus auratus, Hedychrum gerstaeckeri, Hedychridium ardens, Trichrysis cyanea, Chrysis viridula, Chrysis fulgida, Chrysis immaculata, Chrysis schencki, Chrysis mediata, Chrysis cf. leptomandibularis, Chrysis sp. (à déterminer)(groupe de Chrysis ignita), Chrysis cf. pseudobrevitarsis.

If you need some informations, don't hesitate to ask me, I can +/- translate informations if you don't speak french.


Jérôme C.
Lemoine Marhic Carminati 2020 Chrysides Nord & immaculata.pdf
Lemoine G., Mathic E., Carminati J. 2020. Chrysides dans une forêt du Nord et découverte de Chrysis immaculata, une espèce rarement observée en France.
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Joined: 10 May 2016 14:06
Location: France (East of France, adjacent to the Switzerland)
Name: jerome carminati

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