As I dont really understand the descriptions of the T-III edge that are given as the character for separating the bihamata and rufitarsis groups in Kimsey & Bohart 1991. Leaning towards rufitarsis at the moment, as the S-II spots are large, rectangular and thinly separated, but this could be true of bihamata too maybe?
Label states simply:
K. Lindberg coll.
With huwroberts confirmed bihamata-group specimen I tried working out the differences according to the group descriptions, is this quick linedrawing (T-III in lateral view) somewhat correct? The arrow points at what I assume Kimsey & Bohart means by the line "sharp emargination of the T-III lateral edge" as being a character that separates the two groups.
a: rufitarsis-group
b: bihamata-group