Back again at long last!
I've ID'd most of my material from Spain, but some still give me trouble so I decided to image them and ask:
I assume its an
succincta-group species, the face and colours fit, but the T3 teeth look a bit to "normal" ie middle teeth not far away from lateral ones (but then it's male) and the S2 black spots quite small. Cant seem to find something in Linsenmaier 1959 etc that really fits,
Chrysis inclinata Lins. 1959, seems somewhat close, described:
6½-7 mm. Wie pyrophana ♂ aber Gen (Fig. 357) deutlich verschieden,
Pkt überall ziemlich gleich dicht, auf Abd sehr viel gröber als bei
pyrophana, Tergit 1 an der Basis mit drei viel deutlicheren Impressionen,
golden, nur ganz vorn an der Basis zum Teil mehr oder weniger grün¬
lich. K und Th bei der Type blau, der Paratype grün. Anal-Rand
Fig. 515.
The genital capsule is quite close (Lins. 1959: fig. 357), but there's no mention of the very heavy bristles present in my specimen. The puncation And the T3 teeth seem more pronounced than fig. 515 (ditto), with far larger pits. Its range is apparently eastern, the from the Balkans and eastwards. Is this a western "sister species" described in a later publication, very variable, or something completely different?
Dorsal habitus (size ca 5 mm)
head lateral showing gena and mandible width
head, front
Sternite 8 and genital capsule
Thanks in advance!