Small pink-red chrysidid, N Italy

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Small pink-red chrysidid, N Italy

Postby briang » 20 Jul 2020 23:05

Another ID request for a chrysidid from Val d’Arda, Apennines, N Italy. Much smaller than other Chrysis species present at the same site, both shorter and thinner. This one appeared pink-red overall in most lighting conditions, but close up, or in shade or in light from an unusual direction, some areas looked orange or dark green. I have posted several images to try and show the variety in appearance. There were no visible points or bumps on the apical margin of T3 which was very slightly pointed rather than evenly rounded.
The photographs were taken at the same site, mostly on the same rock, between 4 and 16 July 2020. I cannot be sure they all represent the same individual but they seemed the same species! It was very active, running around stones and rocks, through grass stems, etc, with occasional short flights to a nearby rock. In late afternoon it, and two or three chrysidids of other species would congregate on a rock with crevices and possible hymenopteran tunnels. They would check these, then back into the chosen hole and not reappear, presumably until next day. Sometimes two different chrysidids would share one crevice. I would really like to know the correct genus, and of course the species if that’s possible! Many thanks for any help.
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Name: Brian Groombridge

Re: Small pink-red chrysidid, N Italy

Postby Alex » 21 Jul 2020 00:12

Nice pictures, not easy to photograph these ones live in nature!

It's Spintharina versicolor, parasitoids of pollen wasps, Celonites (Vespidae, Masarinae). They should actually be included in Chrysis, but to not confuse things it's still kept in Spintharina
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Re: Small pink-red chrysidid, N Italy

Postby briang » 21 Jul 2020 00:55

That’s fantastic! So quick and a species ID, and you’ve solved a second ID issue I had. I took a photo of what I now know was a Celonites at the same site. In my ignorance I thought it might have been an Anthidium at the time, then forgot about it following ruby-tails! I’m attaching one of the images. If only I’d known what it was I’d have taken care to get more images, but I only realised now when I googled the host name you mentioned. So, a great result; thanks very much indeed Alex! And thanks also for your kind remarks on the photos!
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Name: Brian Groombridge

Re: Small pink-red chrysidid, N Italy

Postby Euchroeus » 30 Aug 2020 21:45

super pictures

Paolo Rosa -
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Re: Small pink-red chrysidid, N Italy

Postby briang » 30 Aug 2020 23:25

Thank you Paolo.
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Name: Brian Groombridge

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